Studies show that CAD is developed during childhood
and teenage years. |
�Coronary artery disease begins in childhood, so
that by the teenage years, there is evidence that
plaques that will stay with us for life are formed
in most people,� said Edward A. Fisher, M.D., Ph.D.,
M.P.H., who is the Leon H. Charney Professor of
Cardiovascular Medicine and also of the Marc and
Ruti Bell Vascular Biology and Disease Program at
the NYU School of Medicine.
measures instituted early are thought to have
greater lifetime benefits. Healthy lifestyles will
delay the progression of CAD, and there is hope that
CAD can be regressed before it causes heart
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is the leading cause of death world-wide. |
The WHO (World Health Organization) states that
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the number 1 cause
of death globally: more people die annually from CVD
than from any other cause. An estimated 17.7 million
people died from CVDs in 2015, representing 31% of
all global deaths. Of these deaths, an
estimated 7.4 million were due to coronary heart
disease making it the leading cause of death among
the diseases classified as CVDs (coronary heart
disease (CAD), cerebrovascular disease (stroke),
peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart
disease, congenital heart disease, deep vein
thrombosis and pulmonary embolism)
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Genetics and hereditary factors are key in
determining who will develop CAD. |
Children of parents with heart disease are more
likely to develop it themselves. Most people with a
strong family history of heart disease have one or
more other risk factors. Just as you can't control
your age, sex and race, you can't control your
family history. Therefore, it's even more important
to treat and control any other risk factors you
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Heart Attack Q&A: |
Every year about 785,000 Americans have a first
coronary attack. Another 470,000 who have already
had one or more coronary attacks have another
attack. A heart attack occurs every 34 seconds
in the US.
In the past decade heart disease
caused almost 25% of deaths�almost one in every
four�in the United States. Coronary heart
disease alone is estimated to cost the United States
over $110 billion each year. This total includes the
cost of health care services, medications, and lost
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